1. Mention the descendants from Terah to Joseph?
Ans: Terah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
2. Where did Jacob settle in Genesis 37?
Ans: Jacob settled in Canaan.
3. Name the mother of Joseph?(Gen. 30: 24)
Ans: Rachel.
4. How old was Joseph when he tended his father's flocks? Or When his brothers sold him?(Gen. 37: 2)
Ans: 17 years old.
5. What kind of report did Joseph bring to his father concerning the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah. (Gen. 37: 2)
Ans: Evil report.
6. Why did Israel love Joseph more than all his children? (Gen. 37: 3)
Ans: Because he was the son of his old age born of him from his favorite wife, Rachel.
7. What special gift was given to Joseph by his father? (Gen. 37: 3)
Ans: A beautiful coat of many colors.
8. Joseph’s brothers hated him and could not speak peaceably to him, why? (Gen. 37: 4).
Ans: They saw that their father loved Joseph more than them.
9. Joseph told his brethren about his dream, how did they feel about him?(Gen. 37: 5-6)
Ans: They hated him yet the more.
10. What was Joseph's first dream? (Gen. 37: 5-7)
Ans: They all were binding sheaves in the field, then Joseph’s sheaf arose and stood upright; and his brothers’ heaves stood all around and bowed down to his sheaf.
11. For what did Joseph’s brothers hate him yet the more? (Gen. 37: 8)
Ans: His dreams and for his words.
12. What was Joseph’s second dream? (Gen. 37: 9)
Ans: The sun and moon and the eleven stars bowed down to him.
13. Where were the brethren feeding the flock when his father sent Joseph to them? (Gen. 37: 12-13)
Ans: Near Shechem.
14. Where had Joseph’s brothers gone when they had moved the flocks from Shechem? (Gen. 37: 17)
Ans: Dothan.
15. What did Joseph's brothers call him when they saw him coming?(Gen.37: 19)
Ans: The dreamer.
16. When Joseph came to his brothers what they have done to him?(Gen.37: 23, 24)
Ans; They stripped off his rob,.... Then they threw him into the pit.
17. Which of his brothers did not want to kill Joseph and planned to return him to Jacob? (Gen. 37: 17-22, 28).
Ans: Ruben.
18. Who were coming from Gilead? (Gen. 37: 25)
Ans: The Ishmaelites.
19. Whose idea was it to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites? (Gen. 37: 25-27)
Ans: Judah’s.
20. Who came to Joseph's rescue and prevented him from being killed by his brothers? (Gen. 37: 21-28).
Ans: Reuben and Judah.
21. For how many shekels of silver was Joseph sold? (Gen. 37: 28)
Ans: 20 shekels of silver.
22. Who said, “The child is not; and I, whither shall I go?” (Gen. 37: 30)
Ans: Reuben.
23. In what kind of blood was Joseph’s coat dipped? (Gen.37: 31)
Ans: A kid of the goats.
24. How did the brothers deceive Jacob into thinking a wild animal killed Joseph? (Gen. 37: 31-34)
Ans: They dipped the tunic of Joseph in goat’s blood and brought the same to Jacob and said, “We have found this. Do you know whether it is your son’s tunic or not?”
25. Who two men, in this case, rent their clothes? (Gen. 37: 29, 34)
Ans: Reuben and Jacob.
26. Who rose up to comfort Jacob? (Gen. 37: 35)
Ans: All his sons and all his daughters.
27. Who sold Joseph again to whom? (Gen. 37: 36)
Ans: The Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh.
Ans: Jacob settled in Canaan.
Ans: Rachel.
Ans: 17 years old.
Ans: Evil report.
Ans: Because he was the son of his old age born of him from his favorite wife, Rachel.
Ans: A beautiful coat of many colors.
Ans: They saw that their father loved Joseph more than them.
Ans: They hated him yet the more.
Ans: They all were binding sheaves in the field, then Joseph’s sheaf arose and stood upright; and his brothers’ heaves stood all around and bowed down to his sheaf.
Ans: His dreams and for his words.
Ans: The sun and moon and the eleven stars bowed down to him.
Ans: Near Shechem.
Ans: Dothan.
Ans: The dreamer.
Ans; They stripped off his rob,.... Then they threw him into the pit.
17. Which of his brothers did not want to kill Joseph and planned to return him to Jacob? (Gen. 37: 17-22, 28).
Ans: Ruben.
Ans: The Ishmaelites.
Ans: Judah’s.
Ans: Reuben and Judah.
Ans: 20 shekels of silver.
Ans: Reuben.
Ans: A kid of the goats.
Ans: They dipped the tunic of Joseph in goat’s blood and brought the same to Jacob and said, “We have found this. Do you know whether it is your son’s tunic or not?”
Ans: Reuben and Jacob.
Ans: All his sons and all his daughters.
Ans: The Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh.
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These lessons are for educational purpose only. Each student has permission to print copies of the material for his/her personal or family study. In addition, teachers are permitted to make copies for students they teach in a class or home Bible study setting.
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