Saturday, August 1, 2015



1.       Mention the three famines recorded in the book of Genesis?

Ans: i. In Canaan in Abraham's day (Gen. 12: 10)                                                                                    ii. In Canaan in Isaac's day (Gen. 26: 1)                                                                                                    iii. In Canaan in Jacob's day (Gen. 41: 54-57).

 2.       When they had eaten up the grain brought from Egypt, What request did Jacob make?

Ans: “Go again, buy us a little food.”.

 3.       What was Judah’s answer (Gen. 43: 3-5)

Ans: “If thou wilt send our brother (Benjamin) with us, we will go down and buy you food”.

 4.       Why was Israel upset? (Gen: 43. 6)

Ans:  During their first meeting with the governor of Egypt, the brothers had told the governor they had another brother.

 5.       Why did the brothers reveal that they got another brother? (Gen. 43: 7)

Ans: The man asked them straightly if they had another brother.

 6.       What Judah proposed to his father (Gen. 43: 7-10)

Ans:  He said send the lad with me ... that we may live, and not die.

 7.       Who was to be the surety for Benjamin? (Gen. 43: 9)

Ans:  Judah, he put his own life on the line as a surety for Benjamin.

 8.       In contrast to his character in Chapter 37, Judah is seen different in Chapters 43 &44. How?

Ans: Judah was the one who had come up with the plan to sell Joseph to Egypt (37: 26-28), where as in chapter 43, and 44 Judah appears as a different man, Now Judah serves as guarantee for Benjamin.

 9.       Jacob told his sons to take the ruler presents. What were they? (Gen.43: 11)

Ans: balm, honey, spices, myrrh, nuts and almonds.

 10.   What were they to take in their hand? (Gen. 43: 12)

Ans: double money and the money that was in the mouth of their sacks.

 11.   When Israel sent them off to Egypt, finally what he wished to them? (Gen. 43: 14)

Ans: He hoped God Almighty would give them mercy ….

12.   Which of Jacob's sons was still in captivity in Egypt? (Gen. 42: 24)

Ans: Simeon.

13.   When Joseph saw Benjamin and other brothers, what did he do? (Gen.43: 16)

Ans: Joseph ordered his servant make preparations for them to all dine with him.

 14.   Why were the brothers afraid? (Gen. 43: 18)

Ans: Because they were brought into Joseph’s house.

 15.   Why did they think Joseph might keep them for bondmen? (Gen. 43: 18)

Ans: because of the money that was returned in their sacks.

 16.   To whom did the brothers give an explanation concerning the money they found in their sacks? (Gen. 43: 19-22)

Ans: steward of Joseph’s house.

17.   Whom did they say had put the money in their sacks? ( Gen. 43: 22)

Ans: They could not tell.

 18.   To whom did the steward attribute the money in their sacks? (Gen.43: 23)

Ans: Your God and the God of your father, (not to Egyptian deity).

 19.   Whom did the steward bring out to them? (Gen.43: 23)

Ans: Simeon.

20.   After bringing them into Joseph’s house, what things did he give? (Gen. 43:24)

Ans: Gave them water and provender for their asses.

21.   When Joseph came home, what two things did they do? (Gen.43: 26)

Ans: Brought the present and bowed themselves.

22.   What did the brothers respond to his inquiry about their father? (V.28)

Ans: He is in good health and yet alive.

23.   What did the brothers do after this response? (Gen. 43: 28)

Ans: They bowed their head and made obeisance.

24.   What statement did Joseph make to Benjamin at this time? (Gen. 43; 29)

Ans: “Is this your youngest brother… God be gracious unto thee, my son”.

25.   After this, what did Joseph do? (Gen. 43: 30)

Ans: He entered his chamber and wept.

26.   Why didn’t Joseph eat with his brothers? (Gen. 43: 32)

Ans:  It was an abomination for Egyptians to eat with Hebrews, so to maintain is disguise, and rank.

 27.   In what order did the brothers sit before Joseph? (Gen. 43: 33)

Ans: Firstborn to younger.

 28.   How much “mess” did Joseph give to Benjamin? (Gen. 43: 34)

Ans:  Five times than his other brothers?


Please Note:  

These lessons are for educational purpose only. Each student has permission to print copies of the material for his/her personal or family study. In addition, teachers are permitted to make copies for students they teach in a class or home Bible study setting.



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