1.Who was the first man to build an ark/ship? Name its designer? (Gen. 6: 14-22)
Ans: (i) Noah (ii) God.
2.Then the LORD said,
"My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, … his days shall be one
hundred and twenty years." (Gen. 6:3). what does the 120 years refer?
Ans: Scripture says that after the Flood, Sarah lived 127 years (Gen. 23:1), Abraham 175 years (Gen. 25:7), and Jacob 147 years (Gen. 47:28). Hence this cannot be a statement about the longevity of man's life, but the time left until the judgment of the flood. The flood happened 120 years after this announcement.
3.Who were the sons of Noah? (Gen.6: 10)
Ans: Sehem, Ham and Japheth.
4.Why Noah find grace in the eyes of
the Lord? (Gen. 6:8)
Ans: Noah was a just man and perfect in his
generation and Noah walked with God (Gen. 6:9). The writer to the
Hebrews said, “By faith in God, Noah........Prepared an ark” (Heb. 11:7).5.Which wood was used to construct the Ark of Noah?
Ans: God told Noah to "make yourself an ark of gopher wood"(Gen.6:14). (It is uncertain what kind of wood that is in modern terminology).
6.What was the size of the ark?
Ans: The ark was about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and
45 feet high. (Its
length-300 cubits, the breadth of 50 cubits and the height 30 cubits. (Gen.6:15).7.How many decks did the ark of Noah have? (Gen.6:16).
Ans: Three decks (3 stories).8.Why did God send a flood upon the earth?
Ans: Because people were corrupt, wicked and evil (Gen. 6:5). Man had turned from the plan and purpose of God. (6:11, 12).
9.What the
Scripture says about Noah’s obedience? (Gen.6:22)
Ans: Noah did; according to all that God commanded him, so he did.
10. What did Peter say about Noah? (2 Pet. 2:5)
Ans: Noah, a preacher of righteousness.Please Note:
These lessons are for educational purpose only.
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