1.Which is the first invitation of God (in the Bible) to man, i.e. ‘come’? (Gen. 7:1)
Ans: Then the Lord said to Noah, "Come into
the ark, you and your entire household…”
2.Where we find the final invitation in the Bible? What is that invitation?
Ans: Rev. 22:17 “And the Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires let him take the water of life freely”.
3.How old was Noah when the flood came?
Ans: Noah was 600 years old (Gen. 7:6).
4.Why, after the entrance of Noah into the ark, did seven days elapse, after which the deluge came? (Gen. 7:10).
Ans: The gracious Lord allows a short span of time
for the repentance of the wicked people.
The ark of Noah, stood in front of them as a sort of type, and when they
witness all the different species of living creatures enter in and shut up in
the Ark, they might believe the
predictions of the deluge which had been told to them. Thus fearing total
destruction of all things, they might repent and be converted.
5.What is the meaning of the expression, "And the Lord shut him in, closing the doors of the ark?"(Gen. 7:16).
Ans: The literal meaning of the expression is plain
enough, for the door of the ark is carefully shut by divine virtue for the sake
of security, lest the water should enter in at any part, as it was to be tossed
about by the waves. (Jesus is the only way to heaven).
6.In Gen 7:12, 24, did the flood last 40 days, or 150?
Ans: Genesis 7:12 says it rained from the sky for 40 days, but the waters flooded the earth for a total of 150 days.
7.Who all and how many were saved from the great flood? (cf. 1 Pet. 3:20)?
Ans: Total 8 members. Noah, his wife, Shem, Ham, Japheth (sons) and
three wives of his sons. (Gen. 6:18; 7:13).
8.How the whole earth overspread/populated?
Ans: The whole earth overspread through the family
of the three sons of Noah (9:19).
9.Who is the first son of Noah and how old he was when his
first son was born?
Ans: Japheth, Noah was 500 years old (Gen. 5:32;
10. Who was the youngest son of Noah?
Ans: Ham (Gen. 9:24).
Please Note:
These lessons are for educational purpose only. Each student has permission to print copies of the material for his/her personal or family study. In addition, teachers are permitted to make copies for students they teach in a class or home Bible study setting.
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