1.“Isaac a miracle child” Why?
Ans: Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarai,
while Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old.
2.How did Abraham seek to find a wife
for Isaac? (Gen. 24:1-3)
Ans: He sent his head servant to Chaldea. "…..go to my country and to mykindred, and take a wife for my son
3.What is Abraham’s concern for Isaac?
Ans: Abraham wanted his son Isaac to marry someone
from “his own clan”,“his kindred” of Mesopotamia.
4.What instructions does Abraham give
to his servant with regard to a spouse for his son Isaac? (Gen.24:1-4).
Ans: So Abraham calls Eliezer, and makes him swear
that he will seek the right kind of spouse for his son Isaac. She must not be
“from the daughters of the Canaanites; so Eliezer will go to Abraham’s own
country and from his own relatives and get a wife for his son Isaac.”
5.What confidence does Abraham express
to his head servant(Eliezer)(Gen. 24:7; 40)
Ans: Abraham expresses to his servant his
confidence that the “The Lord will send his angel before you so that you can
get a wife for my son from there”
6.What does Eliezer pray? (Gen. 24:12-14)
Ans: Abraham’s servant looks to the Lord for grace,
guidance and favor. At the well he also prayed the Lord to guide him and make
clear to him by evidence (v.14) who is the right woman God has appointed for
7.What sign did Abraham’s servant ask
of the Lord so that he would know which young woman should be Isaac’s wife?
(Gen. 24:11-14).
Ans: If the woman he asked for a drink from also
offered to give his camels a drink then he would know she was the one sent by
8.How Eliezer’s confirmed that his
prayer answered?(Gen. 24:15-21)
Ans: God guides through circumstances. He wants a
sign from God, so he prayed Rebekah
water for drink, she answered, “Drink and I'll water your camels too.
She gave not only to him drink, but also drew water for all his camels”. Thus
the servant confirmed that the Lord answered his prayer – right spouse for his
master’s son Isaac (Gen.24: 19, 20).
9. Name the girl who drew water for the camels of the servant of Abraham? (Gen. 24:19,20)
Ans: Rebekah.
10. How the family blessed Rebekah and
sent her along with Eliezer? (Gen.
Ans: “And they blessed Rebekah and said to her,
“Our sister, may you become thousands of ten thousands, and may your offspring
possess the gate of those who hate him!”
11. Name the girl who along with her maids rode upon a camel? (Gen. 24: 61)
Ans: Rebekah.
12. . At what age Isaac got married?
Ans: At his 40 years age.
12. How did Isaac and Rebekah meet and
marry? (Gen.24: 62-67)
Ans: They were brought together by
Abraham's servant Eliezer, who fetched her from Nahor's family at Mesopotamia.
An arranged marriage without much ceremony. “Isaac brought her into the tent of
his mother Sarah, and he married Rebekah. So she became his wife, and he loved
her; and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death”. (Gen.24: 67).
13. What did Rebekah do when she found out that
the man in the field was Isaac?(Gen. 24: 64-65).
Ans: Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac. She got
down from her camel and asked the servant, “Who is that man in the field coming
to meet us?
Please Note: She was entrusted to
the care of Abraham’s servant until she met her bridegroom.
Please Note:
These lessons are for educational purpose only. Each student has permission to print copies of the material for his/her personal or family study. In addition, teachers are permitted to make copies for students they teach in a class or home Bible study setting
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