1. What did the Lord say to Jacob?
(Gen. 31: 3)
Ans: "Return to the land of your fathers and
to your family, and I will be with you."
2. How many times did Laban change
Jacob’s wages? (Gen: 31:7) Ans:
Ten times.
3. What did the Angel of God tell Jacob
to do? (11-13) Ans:
In a dream, the Angel of God said
-……I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee. I am the God of Bethel, get thee
out from this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred.
4. Who all accompanied Jacob on his return to
Ans: His four wives, eleven sons and a daughter
(also flocks and herds)
5. Who told to whom? “…. whatever God
has said to you, do it." (Gen. 31:16) Ans: Rachel and Leah said to their husband Jacob.
6. What did Rachel steal from her
father’s house (Gen. 31: 19) Ans:
Rachel stole her father's household
7. What did God say to Laban in a
dream? (Gen. 31:24)
Ans: "Be careful that you speak to Jacob
neither good nor bad."
8. Where and who changed the name of Jacob to
Ans: At Peniel, God changed the name of Jacob to
9. What is the meaning of his name
Jacob? Ans: Jacob ("deceiver")
10. What is the meaning of the name
Ans: Israel (= 'wrestled with
God') "one who has struggled with God.")
11. What is the meaning of Peniel?
Ans: “The Face of God”
12. How many years did Jacob work under
Laban? (Gen.31:38, 41) Ans:
20 years.
13. Why Jacob served Laban for 20 years?
(Gen.31:41) Ans:
14 years to get Laban’s two
daughters as his wife and 6 years for the flocks.
14. What was the main points of treaty
between Laban and Jacob? (Gen. 31: 44 – 54) Ans: Jacob was bound to treat his wives (Laban’s
daughters well), and Laban was bound not to cross Jacob’s boundaries with
hostile intent.
15. What is the meaning of Mizpah? (Gen.
Ans: "watch-tower", “the look-out"
16. What is the importance of Mizpah?
Ans: Here Jacob and Laban set up their memorial
cairn of stones.
Please Note:
These lessons are for educational purpose only. Each student has permission to print copies of the material for his/her personal or family study. In addition, teachers are permitted to make copies for students they teach in a class or home Bible study setting
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