Tuesday, August 4, 2015


GENESIS 11 (A)                                                                       

1. What was the name of the first large city built after the great flood?
Ans:  Babel, [later known as Babylon] (Gen.11:9)

2. Who was Nimrod?
Ans:   He was the grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah, He was mighty hunter before the LORD; and he started his kingdom at Babylon (Gen. 10: 8-10),       the builder of the city of Babel and the Tower of Babel. 

3. How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built? (Gen. 11:1).
Ans:   There was only one language throughout the earth before the confusion at Babel. "All the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words."

4. What language did the people speak when they built the Tower of Babel?
Ans:  According to the Bible, after the Flood, all mankind spoke one and the same language. Genesis account has not mentioned the one and the same language - just that it was the only common language of all peoples.

5.In Genesis 9:1, God had commanded Noah’s sons to “fill the earth”. But what do Noah’s descendants do when they reach the land of Shinar? (11:2-4)
Ans:  They started to build a city with a tower whose top shall reach unto heaven; so they wanted to make a name for themselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.

6.After the flood, how did the people rebel against God?
Ans:  By building a tower that reaches to heaven (11:4).                                               [Foolishly thinking they could ascend to Heaven on their own work]

7.What was the purpose of building the Tower of Babel?
Ans:  The descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth wanted to make a name for them.

8.How tall was the Tower of Babel?
Ans:  The height is not mentioned; just that it was intended to 'reach the heavens' but was never completed.

9.While God is everywhere, how did "the Lord come down to see the city’ (Gen 11:5; 18:21) what does it mean?
Ans:  This is an expression to communicate that God took special notice of the city.

10.  How did God judge the people who built the tower of Babel? (Gen.11:7).
Ans:  By confusing their languages so they couldn’t understand one another.

11.  What does the tower of Babel symbolize?
Ans:  The Tower of Babel was a product of the evil of religion that convinces people that they can get to heaven on their own accord (by own works).

12.  Why was it called the tower of Babel? (Gen. 11:9).
Ans:  It comes from the Hebrew word ‘Babel’ which means confusion.

13.  This chapter traces the genealogy of Abram back to what person? (Gen.11:10)  
 Ans:   Abraham to Shem.


i.  How we can connect Tower of Babel and the Day of Pentecost?
Ans:  All humanity spoke one language until they tried to build the Tower of Babel. When God destroyed the Tower he also 'gave' different languages so that humanity might never try to unite in this manner again. On Pentecost, the disciples spoke to a large multitude of people in their own language.

ii.  What is common theme found in the stories of Cain and Abel Noah and the Tower of Babel?
Ans:  God judges sin, He is merciful.  [God gave Cain an opportunity to repent, God gave the people in Noah's day time to repent, Babel reveals - God is in control of all].

iii.   Mention the four great events recorded in chapter one to chapter eleven of the Book of Genesis?

Ans:  i) The Creation of all ii) the fall of man iii) The Flood and iv) The Tower of Babel.


Please Note:  

These lessons are for educational purpose only. Each student has permission to print copies of the material for his/her personal or family study. In addition, teachers are permitted to make copies for students they teach in a class or home Bible study setting



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