1. When there was famine in Canaan, what Jacob said his sons to do?( Gen.42: 1, 2)
Ans: “Why do you look at one another?” … go down to Egypt and buy for us there, that we may live and not die.”
2. First time, how many of them went to Egypt, but whom Jacob not send with them? (Gen. 42: 3, 4).
Ans: Joseph’s ten brothers but Benjamin was not sent.
3. When Joseph’s brothers came before him, what they did? (Gen.42: 6)
Ans: They bowed down themselves before Joseph with their faces to the ground.
4. From pit to what position and power Joseph was lifted? (Gen 42: 7-9)
Ans: Joseph became governor over the land; he was the next to Pharaoh in power.
5. Joseph saw his brothers and knew them, but what did he do (Gen. 42: 7)
Ans: He made himself strange unto them and talked roughly unto them.
6. How did Joseph accused his brothers?(Gen.42: 9)
Ans: Ye are spies, to see the nakedness of the land ye are come.
7. What did the brothers reply for the accusation? (Gen. 42: 10) and what they further stated about themselves? (Gen. 42: 11)
Ans: They replied that they came for buying food, they are true men, one man’s sons, and not spies.
8. Denying once again that they were spies, what they said about their younger brothers? (Gen. 42: 13)
Ans: The youngest is this day with our father, and one is not.
9. What did Joseph tell them they must do to prove they were not spies?(Gen. 42: 15).
Ans: “Ye shall not go forth hence, except your youngest brother come hither.”
10. What Joseph told them to do to prove the truthfulness of their statement?(Gen.42: 16)
Ans: Send one of them for Benjamin and the rest wait in prison.
11. Where Joseph put all the brothers together and for how long? (Gen. 42: 17)
Ans: He put them all together in prison for three days.
12. What did Joseph charge the brothers to do? (Gen. 42: 19-20)
Ans: Leave one brother behind, carry corn home, and bring the youngest brother back.
13. What did the brothers say to one another when they heard Joseph’s charge?(Gen.42: 21)
Ans: We are verily guilty concerning our brother...therefore is this distress come upon us.
14. What did Reuben bring to their remembrance? (Gen. 42: 22)
Ans: They would not hear when he told them not to sin against the boy, and you would not listen?.
15. The brothers did not recognize Joseph, why? (Gen. 42: 23)
Ans: He spoke by an interpreter.
16. Upon hearing Reuben’s statement, what was Joseph’s reaction? (Gen.42: 24)
Ans: He wept.
17. Which brother did Joseph bind? (Gen. 42: 24)
Ans: Simeon.
18. What two things did Joseph have put in their sacks? (Gen.42: 25)
Ans: Corn, every man’s money.
19. To whom did the brothers attribute (or blame) this action? (Gen. 42: 28)
Ans: God.
20. What conditions did Joseph set in order to know if they were true men?(Gen.42: 33-34)
Ans: leave one of them, take food, and bring the youngest brother back.
21. Jacob said he was bereaved of his children. What three children did he mention? (Gen. 42: 36)
Ans: Benjamin, Joseph, Simeon.
22. What did Reuben offer if he did not return Benjamin?(Gen.42: 35- 37)
Ans: Slay his two sons.
23. What did Jacob say would be the result if he sent Benjamin and mischief would befall him? (Gen. 42: 38)
Ans: It would bring down his gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.
Please Note:
These lessons are for educational purpose only. Each student has permission to print copies of the material for his/her personal or family study. In addition, teachers are permitted to make copies for students they teach in a class or home Bible study setting
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