Sunday, August 2, 2015



1.       Who was Judah?

         Ans: Judah was one of the sons of Jacob in his wife, Leah.

 2.       What Judah has done?

          Ans: He departed from his brothers and went among the Canaanites.

 3.       Whom did Judah marry? (1 Chr. 2: 3)

         Ans: A daughter of a Canaanite named Shua.

 4.       Who were the three sons born to Judah and Shua? (Gen. 38: 3, 4, 5)

Ans: Er, Onan, and Shelah


 5.       Who all are the sons of Judah? (Gen. 46: 12)

Ans:  Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah (Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan).

6.       Who were  the sons of Perez?

Ans:   Hezronand and Hamul.

 7.      Whom did Judah’s first son Er marry? (Gen. 38: 6)

 Ans: Tamar.

 8.       What happened to Judah’s first son, and why? (Gen. 38: 7)

 Ans: The Lord killed him because he was wicked in the sight of the Lord.

9.         What Judah said to the next son, Onan to do?(Gen. 38: 9)

 Ans: Judah said to Onan to go into his brother’s wife , Tamar  and marry her and rise   upon heir to his brother. 

 10.       But what Onan has done? (Gen 38: 9)

 Ans: He didn’t allow Tamar to become pregnant by him,                                                                and he failed to carry out the Levirate obligation to Tamar.                                                              i.e. He declined to perform his brotherly duty of raising of a child by her.

 11.     What happened to Onan? (Gen. 38: 10)

Ans: What he did displeased the Lord; therefore He killed him.

 12.   What Judah suggested Tamar? (Gen. 38: 11)

Ans: To remain a widow in her father’s house until his son Shelah grows up.

 13.   How well did Judah follow through with his promise to Tamar? (Gen. 38: 14)

 Ans:  Judah failed to keep his own word – when Shelah was grown,                                           he has not given him as husband to her.

 14.   What relation was Tamar to Judah? (Gen.38: 11)

 Ans: Daughter-in-law.

 15.   What happened to Judah’s Canaanite wife? (Gen. 38 12) 

Ans: The daughter of Shua, Judah’s wife, died.

 16.  To get her rights, what Tamar did? (Gen. 38: 12-19).

Ans: Widowed and without children, she disguised as a prostitute,                                           and had sex with her father-in-law Judah and conceived twin sons.                                             She played the harlot and she is with child by harlotry.

 18.   What punishment did Judah Decree? (Gen. 38: 24)

 Ans: Judah ordered to “bring her out and let her be burned”.

 19.   What were the boys named? (Gen. 38: 29, 30)

Ans: The twins were named as Perez and Zerah.

 20..   Which of the 12 sons of Jacob did Jesus Christ come from?

Ans: Judah.

 21.   Why this chapter is important? (Gen. 38: 29-30; Mt. 1: 3)

 Ans: Tamar is one of the four female ancestors of Jesus, in Matthew's gospel,                  Judah fathered Perez and Zerah by Tamar.  Perez is  one of the  ancestor of our Savior  Jesus Christ.


 22.   How the Gospel of Mathew traces the genealogy of Jesus Christ? (Mt. 1: 1-16)

 Ans: Judah begot Perez and Zerah by Tamar, Perez begot Hezron, and Hezron begot Aram.


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