1 .Where did the ark
rest after the waters receded?
Ans: On the Mount
Ararat." – (Gen. 8:4)
2. Which birds Noah sent forth from the ark?
Ans: The raven and a dove (8: 7, 8).
3. Immediately after coming out of the ark, what Noah did?( 8: 20-21)
Ans: “Noah built an altar unto the LORD; and took
of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and
offered burnt offerings on the altar”.
4. What everlasting covenant with all living things does the rainbow represent? (Gen. 9: 9-11; 15).
Ans: God would not curse the ground
anymore; never again to destroy all life on Earth by a flood.
5.What was a symbol of God's promise that he would never again flood the whole Earth? (9:12-17).
Ans: The rainbow, called "my bow", “the bow of God”.
6.What everlasting covenant with all living things does the rainbow represent?(Gen. 9:11-15).
Ans: That there shall be no more flood to destroy the Earth (Gen. 8:21, 22). God gave the rainbow as the sign
of the covenant, a promise that the entire earth would never again flood. This is
also remains as a reminder that God can and will judge sin (2
Peter 2:5).
7. Give the Flood Chronology. (Gen 7:4,10, 11, 12, 1724; 8:1)
Ans: (i) In the 600th years of Noah (2nd month, 10th day), he entered the Ark (7:4,10,11) (ii) In the 600th year of Noah (2nd month 7th day) the flood began (Gen. 7:11) (iii) The water flooded the earth for 150 days (5 months x 30 days), including the 40 days 40 nights of rain (Gen. 8:1).
8.When the earth was dried? (Gen. 8; 13,14)
Ans: By Noah’s 601st year on the 1st month, the 1st day, the water had dried up.9. How long was the time that passed between the point where ‘God shut the door of the Ark’ until God commanded them to leave it.
Ans: One Year and 10 Days (The length of the flood).
10. How does the writer of Hebrews define Noah’s actions? (Heb. 11:7)
Ans: By faith Noah, … prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, … and became an heir of the righteousness which is according to faithPlease Note: These lessons are for educational purpose only. Each student has permission to print copies of the material for his/her personal or family study. In addition, teachers are permitted to make copies for students they teach in a class or home Bible study setting. |
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