Question and Answers on the book of Exodus
Name the mountain, where Moses had his first
encounter with God? Why was Horeb (Sinai) called the mountain of God (Exo. 3: 1 - 5)
Ans: Horeb. On this
mountain God appeared and spoke to Moses from the burning bush (when he was a shepherd) and also on this mountain God gave him the Ten Commandments.
What are the first words Moses hears God
speak, within the bush? (Exo. 3:4)
Ans: His name “Moses! Moses! (i.e. God knows His people personally by name).
3. How Moses responded to God? (Exo. 3:4)
Ans: “ Moses said, “Here I am”
4. What
did the God warn to
Moses? (Exo. 3:5)
God warned Moses, "Do not draw near
this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is
holy ground."
5. God has been aware of 5 things concerning the Hebrews. What are they? (Exo.3.7-9)
Ans: “I have seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt…” (v.
“…I have given heed to their cry because of their taskmasters…”
(v. 7)
“…I am aware of their sufferings” (v. 7).
“…The cry of the sons of Israel has come to Me…” (v. 9).
“…I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians are oppressing them”
(v. 9).
6. Q. Who were the occupants of the land of Canaan? Exo. 3:8
Ans. Ham’s descendants.
7. Q. What is the first of Moses’ first questions for God ? (Exo. 3: 11)
Ans: "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?"
8. Q. What is God’s response to Moses’ first question? (Exo. 3:12)
Ans: God said, "I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign … you shall serve God on this mountain."
9. What is the second of Moses’ five questions? (Exo. 3: 13)
Ans: Moses asks, “What shall I say to (the Hebrews when they ask) ‘What is His name?’”
10. What is God’s name from eternity to eternity? Exo. 3:14
11. How would the Israelites plunder Egypt? (Exo. 3: 22)
Ans: “
Every woman shall borrow of her neighbor, ….., jewels of silver, and jewels of
gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and …daughters; and ye
shall spoil the Egyptians”.
12. What is God’s response to Moses’ question? (Exo. 14-22)
Ans: “I
AM WHO I AM.” (=“Self-existent One.”)
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